Nap 1 (39 minutes)
Put in crib at 8:49 (1h, 34m since waking up)
Never cried, just rolled around and played and fell asleep at 9:00!
Woke up at 9:39 fussing/lightly crying
Started really crying so went in to soothe at 9:50
Went in again to soothe at 10:00
Wouldn’t go back to sleep so got up at 10:10
Nap 2 (32 minutes)
Put in crib at 11:24 (1h, 30m since last nap – adjusted)
Fussed on and off until 11:44 when he fell asleep
Woke up at 12:16
Nap 3 (37 minutes)
Put in crib at 2:13 (1h, 57 minutes since last nap)
Went in to soothe at 2:23
Fell asleep at 2:26
Woke up at 3:03
Tried to see if he would go back to sleep but was hysterical at 3:12 so got him up
Nap 4 (38 minutes)
Put in crib at 4:33 (1h, 30m since last nap)
Went in to soothe at 4:44 – wasn’t crying that hard but was stuck in the side of the crib
Went in again at 4:53, 5:03, & 5:08
Fell asleep at 5:13
Woke up at 5:51
Put in crib at 7:21
Fell asleep at 7:30
Fed at 10:05, 1:40, and 4:05
Put paci back in at 5:35 and 7:05
Woke up at 7:30!
Total cry time: 1 hour, 25 minutes
Total awake (happy) time: 8 hours, 9 minutes
Total sleep time: 14 hours, 26 minutes (broken for feedings)