Nap 1
Put in crib at 9:20 (1h, 35m since last nap)
Went in to soothe at 9:30 and fell asleep right away
Woke up at 10:45
Nap 2 (40 minutes)
Put in crib at 12:30 (1h, 45m since last nap)
Soothed at 12:35 and fell asleep right away
Woke up at 1:17
Nap 3 (55 minutes)
Put in crib at 2:43 (1h, 26m since last nap)
Soothed at 2:53 & 3:03, fell asleep right away
Woke up at 3:58
Put in crib at 6:05 (2h, 7m since last nap)
Cried on and off and soothed until 6:40 when he fell asleep
This was a really “off” night for feeding! He ate at 8:45pm, 11:50pm, and 3:00am. I think it was weird because we had to put him to bed so early.
Total cry time: 65 minutes
Total awake (happy) time: 7 hours, 0 minutes
Total sleep time: 15 hours, 55 minutes (broken for feedings)