Nap 1 (2 hours)
Put in crib at 8:43 (1h, 33m since waking up)
Just whined and played for a little while
Was stuck in the corner of the crib so went to move him at 8:55
Fell asleep right away at 8:58
Woke up at 9:38 and let fuss in crib for a bit/soothed and fell back asleep at 10:00 and woke up at 11:19!
Nap 2 (1 hour, 34 minutes)
Put in crib at 1:06 (1h, 47m since last nap)
Fell asleep at 1:22
Woke up at 2:09 & soothed back to sleep at 2:12
Woke up at 2:56
Nap 3 (35 minutes)
Put in crib at 4:39 (1h, 43m since last nap)
Soothed once and fell asleep at 4:57
Woke up at 5:32
Put him in crib at 7:17 (1h, 45m since last nap)
Didn’t cry right away, fell asleep at 7:29
Ate at 11:15pm, 1:30am, and 4:00am
Replaced paci at 6:10am and he slept until 7:45am
Total cry time: 35 minutes
Total awake (happy) time: 7 hours, 14 minutes
Total sleep time: 16 hours, 11 minutes (broken for feedings)