Nap 1 (36 minutes)
Put in crib at 10:09 (1hr, 39m since he woke up from the day)
Started crying pretty quick
Went in to soothe at 10:16 because he had his head stuck in the corner of the crib
Started crying again when left at 10:18
Fell asleep at 10:19
Woke up at 10:55
Nap 2 (45 minutes)
Put in crib at 12:27 (1 hr, 32m since last nap)
Cried lightly, but didn’t need soothing and fell asleep at the 10m timer at 12:38!
Woke up at 1:23
Nap 3 (50 minutes)
Put in crib at 2:57 (1 hr, 32m since last nap)
Soothed himself to sleep at 3:07
Woke up a couple times crying lightly until 3:20 but was asleep otherwise
Woke up at 3:57
Nap 4 (36 minutes)
Put in crib at 5:36
Went in to soothe after 12 minutes
Started crying again right away
Soothed 2 more times and fell asleep at 6:10
Woke up at 6:46
Put in crib at 8:11pm
Cried lightly on and off and settled down for good at 8:25pm
Needed soothing for 1 minute at 9:05
Fed at 11:45pm, 2:40am, 5:20am, and 6:45am
Up for the day at 7:50am
Total cry time: 63 minutes
Total awake (happy) time: 9 hours, 5 minutes
Total sleep time: 13 hours, 52 minutes (broken for feedings)