Hello! So if you didn’t notice last week, there wasn’t a post because I have decided to start doing these recaps every two weeks. It’s just become a lot of sharing for me and the more and more I write, the more I want to keep to myself! So I decided to continue with the recaps every other week, and they will likely be less wordy than they were before. I still want to recap this time in my life, but just want to keep some things a bit more personal.
Last week (at 28 weeks) our baby was the size of an eggplant.
This week (at 29 weeks) our baby is the size of an acorn squash.
Progress Photos
28 Weeks
29 Weeks
My workouts have literally stayed the same the last couple of weeks as they have been. Take a look at some of my earlier recaps if you want to see more details on what I have been doing.
Symptoms/Body Changes
28 Weeks
I feel SO many more kicks and movements than I did before. I also had a couple days where I was feeling really crappy. I just had bad cramps, everything felt tight, and I was getting a little concerned. So after talking it over with Chris I decided to give my OB’s office a call, and one of the nurses reassured me that what was happening was probably just a mix of Braxton Hicks contractions, the baby/my belly growing (which I totally noticed a few days later!), and dehydration. So I took it easy for a few days and then was pretty much back to myself.
Like I said above, I really noticed that my belly grew this week. Like, so much. I feel much bigger than I did before. Other than that, I’m feeling pretty great. I am beyond tired and am really most productive/active until around 2pm, and then I kind of crash. I also am sleeping like, 10-11 hours each night. It’s ridiculous.
Oh, I am so much more irritable, too. Strangers like, bother me haha. And I don’t want to make any plans. I just want to stay at home, in the air conditioning, with my books and snacks.
29 Weeks
I am starting to feel a lot more pressure now – all throughout my stomach. It’s definitely more prominent right after I have eaten, which is understandable. I also am getting tired without doing anything at all. I feel like I could take a nap just about an hour after I wake up every morning. And I am hungry ALL the time.
Increased movement like crazy these two weeks. I love to lift my shirt up over my belly when I am laying on the couch or in bed and just watch the baby make my entire stomach move.
Sleep is great. I still have a bit of trouble going back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, but other than that I am sleeping so, so good. It’s like my body can’t get enough of it.
28 Weeks
I am really appreciative to be in the third trimester this week. I was so, so anxious in the beginning of my pregnancy (and still am) and getting to the third trimester just feels like such a huge milestone to me. It is also super reassuring to read and hear about the odds of our baby surviving outside of the womb at this point from all the books, blogs, and podcasts I follow. Although I really hope it stays in there and cooks a little while longer. 😉
I feel like a broken record with saying this one, but I miss wine this week. And being able to stay up past 8pm.
29 Weeks
This week I am super appreciative of my husband. He has been so great with rubbing my feet at night, getting me things after I have already laid down on the couch and don’t want to move, and even coming home from work one day with all the ingredients to make me a delicious mocktail. He made me the Rosemary Blueberry Smash, and I loved it so much that we had it like, three nights in a row.
I miss the exact same things as in week 28. And I miss being able to squeeze in places I certainly can’t now haha. We were out to dinner the other night and I thought I could fit between two tables and that was definitely not the case.
Baby Items/Nursery
No new purchases this week. I am anxiously awaiting my baby shower in a couple of weeks to make any more progress in this area. I did spend some time washing all of the baby clothes we have so far and putting them away in their drawers which put a huge smile on my face. I am starting to feel like we are kind of ready for our baby to get here – even though I know how much more there is to do/buy first.
Looking Forward To
My 29 week checkup appointment later today. 🙂
Next On To-Do List
Continue to make progress on setting up our will, a college fund for baby, and life insurance. We are making progress on all of these, but they are taking longer than I anticipated.
Decide for sure on an outfit for my baby shower. I have a couple of options, but I’m not sure if I’m in love with either of them.
Finalize my maternity leave plan/what I plan to do with work after the baby. Again, this has proven to be more difficult than I thought it would be.