40 weeks is hard. Like, really hard. The worst thing (for me) is the constant stream of text messages from people asking if I’ve had the baby yet. Like, no. I have literally taken to putting my phone on silent and stopping message alerts. It’s just too much! I know people mean well, but it’s too much for me. Trust me – I KNOW I haven’t had the baby yet! It’s no big surprise to me. I KNOW that you are anxious for me to have it – do you think I’m not?! I do appreciate the people who just want to check in with a kind word (which to be honest, is most of my close friends and family – and those are the people I actually do really want to hear from!), but I am so sick of being asked if I have had the baby yet. It just makes me feel guilty for some reason that I haven’t.
It’s also really hard, because you literally want to do nothing. You just want to sit and wait for this little baby to make his appearance. We didn’t grocery shop over the weekend, since I didn’t want a fridge full of food that would go bad if we had to go to the hospital. So we’ve either been going out or grocery shopping like, every day. The rest of the time is pretty much spent sitting around and wondering when it’s going to happen. Oh, and walking – a lot. I am so darn sick of going for walks I cannot even put it into words. I also want to pop my exercise ball that I’ve been sitting on basically all day long. All I want is to lay down on the couch, but apparently that “isn’t good for baby’s positioning.”
Now I know this sounds like a lot of complaints (and don’t get me wrong – they are!), but they are all coming from the place of I am just so darn excited to meet my baby that I can hardly stand it. I cannot wait for that moment when I know labor is starting and we get to head to the hospital. I cannot wait to be in that hospital room with Chris knowing we are about to meet our baby. It’s almost unbearable these last few days, but again, I know this is the ultimate test in patience!
I had an appointment with my midwife yesterday that Chris was able to come with me to, and thank goodness because I was there for about two hours. We had an ultrasound that showed my fluid levels are great, baby is developing great, and is still measuring fairly small so they aren’t worried about him getting too big in there. Then I did an extra-long non-stress test, since our little guy really just wanted to sleep in there and not cooperate with the machine tracking his heart rate and movements. Eventually my midwife saw what she wanted, and we spent the rest of the appointment working through some different stretches and exercises that can help me before and during labor and talking about a bunch of other random things. Long story short – baby is great, I am (physically) great, and it’s just a waiting game at this point. Which to be honest, I am completely fine with. I am totally on board with waiting for this little baby to decide when he is ready rather than forcing him out before it’s his time. I just selfishly hope it’s sooner rather than later – like, today.
We do have another appointment scheduled tomorrow morning to basically check on the same things, but as long as he is still looking strong in there, it will still just be a waiting game. I’ve decided against getting checked for dilation/effacement, since there really is no point due to the fact that it can change at any time. My midwife recommended not doing it, since it is unnecessary, uncomfortable, and would likely just stress me out more.
Other than that appointment, we pretty much have nothing else planned until the baby arrives. I told Chris all I have to do this week is eat and spend money, so watch out. Luckily I got a new book from the library and am going to go see that new movie with Lady Gaga in it with my mom on Friday if there’s still no baby, so slow me down! I am just basically constantly working on keeping the house clean, laundry and dishes done, and everything ready at home. Somehow that makes me feel like I am more in control of all of this?
Now after all that ranting, onto what’s going on at 40 weeks!
Not much change in my belly or how I am looking…
Overall, I still really do feel fine. There is definitely a ridiculous amount of pressure on my pelvic bones, but I’ve just come to expect it at this point. I am still walking a ton and going to group fitness classes (I went to one on Monday, my due date!), but I think I am going to stop those and just do some YouTube videos at home from now on until our boy is born. I am just over people at the gym commenting on my pregnancy! That might sound selfish, but I would just love to go somewhere where someone doesn’t comment on it. Hence why I am staying home most of the time now.
I am still not nervous about actually having a baby. I am just so excited and ready for it. It still doesn’t seem real that it is about to happen and like I said last week, I don’t think it will until we are home from the hospital with him, entrusted with the care of this little person. Crazy!
Regardless if I have the baby or not by next week (41 weeks on 10/8), this is going to be my last pregnancy recap post. I have loved writing these over the last nine months and am excited to have them to look back on, but I am ready to start writing about our child instead of my pregnancy. So thank you for following along on my pregnancy journey, and I hope these posts can be helpful to other women going through it, too!