Written on February 19, 2018
Hi 🙂 I don’t have all that much to elaborate on from my post last week…. I am feeling basically the same, but growing more and more anxious by the day for our first ultrasound appointment on Thursday. I have been going back and forth on some different pregnancy tracking apps, and The Bump is still by far my favorite. It is simple, yet informative, and answers just about any ridiculous question I have. This week our little buddy is the size of a raspberry!
Progress Photos
Although there is still basically no physical difference in my appearance, I feel about a million pounds heavier haha. The bloating is no joke. I can’t wait until it is acceptable to wear maternity clothes.
I am feeling basically the same as last week, with just a touch more anxiety added in in anticipation of our ultrasound this week. I actually feel like my nausea might be a little bit better now, but that may just be because I know what to do to keep it at bay now. I am still tired beyond belief and have been getting headaches more frequently than I noticed in the prior weeks.
Oh man. This is a rough one for me. I so badly want to be one of those pregnant women that eats all organic and gets their baby “the perfect nutrients it needs,” but that just isn’t happening right now. I am simply trying to eat what I can, since I am hungry basically all of the time, but most foods make me sick just thinking about them. Vegetables have been the worst for me, so I have been trying to eat a lot of soups that are packed with well-cooked veggies and Jimmy John’s vegetarian subs have still sounded good to me, too. Luckily I have been craving fruit like crazy, so at least that’s something!
My unhealthy cravings are for tons of salt (sour cream and onion pop chips are my absolute favorite right now) and carbs. Like I said, I am happy that fruit sounds so good to me, and I have been loving having lemon popsicles at night. I have also been freezing grapes which are great to have when I wake up from a nap and need to eat something immediately or I start to feel sick. I have never been a person to drink anything other than water, coffee, and wine (HA! Those days are over for now…), but I have oddly been wanting Sprite lately. I caved and had it once, but have been trying to stick to healthier drink options like all-natural lemonade, Naked juices (pasteurized), and sparkling flavored water.
Products Used
No new products this week. I am in the market for a new skin care line though, since my face is breaking out like crazy and I want to handle it safely, but still get rid of this acne. It’s so obnoxious. I plan to talk to my doctor at our ultrasound on Thursday to see if there is anything she recommends.
I know I talked up the ginger lemon tea a few weeks ago, but I think I need a break from that for a while. You know when you have something too often and then get sick of it? That’s where I am at with it right now, which is a total shame, because it was making me feel so much better for a while there.
Fitness Routine
I have been feeling reallllllly sluggish lately. I do find that I have the most energy right away in the morning when I wake up, so I need to start taking better advantage of that time to start my day out on an active note. I will say that I pulled myself out of bed this morning at about 6:30am (when I just wanted to lay there and read and feel crappy all morning) and headed to the gym to do 40 minutes of cardio and 10 minutes of quick strength training, and it automatically made me feel almost completely better. I just need to make sure to eat like, the second I am done with a workout or I start to feel sick.
I have also started to notice that certain exercises (most specifically during yoga) don’t feel comfortable for me anymore, so I am making modifications as necessary. This might sound odd, but I feel like I can’t stretch as deeply as I used to. Is that a thing? Maybe I am just scared of hurting myself or the baby, but I just feel like I need someone to teach me exactly what stretches are safe for pregnancy. Or maybe it’s all of them and I’m just overthinking this.
Overall, I am still really enjoying being active and am looking forward to some warmer weather here in Michigan so I can start going for walks and bike rides outside again! I think that will help a lot with the cooped up in the house feeling I have been experiencing quite frequently.
We went out to a nice dinner for Valentine’s Day last week, and as much as I wished I could have had a glass of wine, our sweet waitress made me a delicious mocktail that at least made me feel like I was partaking in the fun. 😉
I don’t really have too much else to say except that I am feeling this overwhelming waves of joy, gratitude, and thankfulness. I cannot believe I was chosen to carry this sweet little baby, and I am totally getting that overprotective mother thing already and would do absolutely anything to keep him or her safe and happy. I have been having some wild dreams lately, and I had one the other night about the few days after our baby’s birth (it was a girl ;)). I woke up with the biggest smile on my face that stayed for the rest of the day. I cannot wait to meet him or her, but I am also really enjoying this time being pregnant and feeling so close to our baby. And I know it is only going to get more intense – hopefully in a good way! The nausea, exhaustion, and all the other not so fun side effects are totally worth it. <3