Good morning. 🙂 Last week I was so happy to get back to this series. I think it is really important to take regular time out of our busy lives to reflect on what is good – especially with all the craziness happening in the world nowadays. Sometimes we have amazing things happen that totally change the course of our lives (like getting engaged, having a child, getting a big promotion at work, etc.), but other times it is just the simple, mundane things of everyday life that make us the happiest.
This week was mostly really good for me. It was quiet, which allowed me the time to catch up on everything I was behind on from the holiday break. Now I finally feel like things are back to normal, which brings me so much peace. With that being said, here are my five happiest things from this week:
1. Watching The Bachelor with my girlfriends
For as long as I can remember, my friends and I have watched The Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise/any other spin off that ABC has made together on Monday nights. Although we scream at the TV through most of the episode, we not-so-secretly love it. And it’s a great excuse to get together weekly and catch up on life while we eat snacks and drink wine.
It is rare when this happens, but I actually really like a lot of the women on the show so far. It finally seems like they decided to cast mostly “normal” people, which is refreshing after typically seeing so many people on there that are obviously just doing it for the attention. We do a little bracket for fun, and I have Tia winning solely based on the fact that she is just like Raven who I loved a few seasons ago. I am never anywhere near being right on these things, but maybe this is my year!
2. Barre + yoga
I finally went back to my barre class that I like so much on Tuesday. I stopped going during the summer and then just kind of forgot about it when I got into my morning workouts. Now that I was reminded how much I like it, I am definitely going to make the time to try to start going regularly again. And then of course, my mom and I went to our same yoga class that we go to every Thursday evening. It was wonderful, like always, but it was absolutely packed with all the new people that joined the gym this month.
3. A morning coffee date with one of my closest friends
Wednesday morning was so nice. I was able to take a little time out of my work day to pick up Starbucks for my friend Hannah and I and take it to her house to hang out with her and her two daughters for a little bit. She has been a friend of mine for almost 7 years now, and I always look forward to the time we get to spend together.
4. Making zucchini noodles with Chris
As you all must know by now, Chris is doing the Whole 30. And I am over it. We made a recipe for “Shrimp with Zucchini Noodles and Romesco Sauce” on Tuesday night, and it turned out to be a pretty hilarious process. We have had a spiralizer forever, but have never used it, so we just kinda figured out what to do with it. For some reason we got so excited over the fact that it actually worked, and before I knew it we were laughing hysterically in the kitchen for no real reason. Who knew zucchini noodles could provide so much entertainment to us?
Anyway, the dinner didn’t look too appetizing (so disgusting in fact that I refuse to post the picture I took of it), but I thought it was delicious. I would absolutely make zucchini noodles again, but I got some tips from my friend Hannah on how to make them not so watery next time. But let’s be honest – they aren’t pasta. Nothing beats regular pasta. So while they can be part of a healthy, yummy meal, in no way would I say that they are a substitution for real pasta noodles. You will absolutely be able to tell the difference. 😉
5. Keeping up with the Kardashians
I feel pretty lame to have two TV shows on this list, but oh well. I go in waves with the Kardashians where I will watch them obsessively for months and then forget about them for a while. I am obviously on a kick with them right now. I think that Kris and Khloe are absolutely hilarious, and it is like the ultimate people watching for me. It’s even better, because our mom’s name is Kris and my sisters and I relate so much to the daughters, so it’s fun for us to compare ourselves to them when we watch it.
I have been loving at-home workouts lately a few days of the week, and I love having a mindless show to watch while I do them. Most of the shows that I like, Chris and I watch together, so I have to make sure to watch the ones he definitely doesn’t like while he is gone at work…. 🙂
We are supposed to get a ton of snow today and over the next few days, so our weekend may consist of a lot of around-the-house activities, but we do have plans to celebrate a couple of birthdays on Sunday. I am never mad when we have an excuse to hang around the house on the weekend and make almond milk hot chocolate and watch Lost…. Although you know probably a solid 24 hours is going to be dedicated to meal prepping. That may be a little dramatic, but it sure feels like it takes that long sometimes. I have also decided to finally start the process of finishing our basement, so maybe we can get a little head start on that over the next couple of days, too.
Have a great day and enjoy your time off this weekend!