Good morning. 🙂 So I totally dropped off the face of the earth again last week. We were busy, I wasn’t feeling very well, and blogging just wasn’t at the top of my to-do list. I have a lot to catch up on today!
There’s not too much to talk about from last week; it was pretty much just the usual – work, gym, Netflix, and sleep. I also had a few lunch dates with girlfriends and got to hang out with my sister Olivia one day since she was off school for winter break. Oh, and like always, I watched The Bachelor on Monday night with my girlfriends and my friend Clare who hosted us made the best spread ever of cheese, crackers, fruit, and homemade chocolate chip cookies.
Our weekend was wonderful though. Let’s back up to Friday…..
All week long we had been planning on ordering pizza for dinner on Friday, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to it every day. It had been quite a while since we had ordered pizza, so we felt like it was long overdue. 😉 While we ate, we started a new documentary series on Netflix called Ugly Delicious. I don’t really know how to describe it, but it is kind of like a really fancy Diner’s, Drive In’s, and Drive’s. We have watched two episodes so far and are really enjoying it. And how perfect that the first episode just ended up being all about pizza, so we got to learn about the history of the food while eating it.
Chris and I both had a really hard time pulling ourselves out of bed to go to the gym on Saturday morning, but knew we would feel way better if we went since we didn’t really have anything else active planned for the rest of the day. So we went and did some cardio together for about 45 minutes and then came home to have cinnamon rolls and strawberries for breakfast. It’s all about balance. 😉
After breakfast we had a little bit of time at home to do laundry and such, and then we headed out for a little lunch/movie date. While we were at lunch, our waitress came up to us and said a random person wanted to buy us a round of drinks! We were so taken aback and surprised, especially since she said she couldn’t tell us who it was. We assume it was someone just doing a random act of kindness, and it totally made our day. Then we went next door to the movie theater to see Lady Bird. I had been hearing amazing things about it and was really happy that Chris wanted to see it, too. We both loved it. It didn’t really have too much of a point to it and was just a simple story about a teenager coming-of-age, but it was so well done, funny, and relatable. I would totally recommend seeing it if you haven’t already!
Next we went to my parents’ house to have dinner with them, my sister Sara who was home from college, and my aunt and uncle. It was so much fun to hang out with them for a while and eat a delicious dinner my mom made, play our new favorite card game, and have the best ever banana/peanut butter/chocolate pie that my aunt brought.
Sunday was a pretty typical day for us. It started out with church and volunteering with the kids, and then the rest of the day was basically spent at home. I was not feeling well at all on Sunday afternoon, so we ate leftovers for lunch, watched some Justified, I read some of my newest book Misery by Stephen King (even though it’s a really old book, it’s new to me), and then I feel asleep for a while. I had a little buddy come join me, and Chris managed to snap this picture of us haha.
When I woke up from my nap I felt like I needed to move around a bit, so we went up to the outdoor mall near us so I could just get some fresh air for about 30 minutes. We also stopped in at Lush to get me some new products. On our way home, we stopped at our favorite grocery story to pick up some pre-made meals for dinner and some produce for the week ahead. The rest of the night was spent watching a little more TV, reading, and going to bed embarrassingly early.
In my weekend recap post two weeks ago I talked a little more about the book I chose to focus on for the month of February – Of Mess and Moxie by Jen Hatmaker. Since this is the last Monday in February, I just want to do a little overview of what I thought about the book/what I learned from it this month.
I obviously really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anybody. It is so relatable, funny, and really makes you think. Jen is a fantastic writer that makes you feel like you are having a conversation with your best friend. I think that over the course of the last few weeks this book has helped me to focus more on what really matters and to remember the importance of relationships. It would have been really easy for me to be a hermit in February due to the weather and not feeling so great, but I really pushed myself outside of my comfort zone to spend time with my loved ones and I am so happy that I did. Sometimes it just takes a gentle push in the right direction to remind me how much better I feel when I prioritize the most important people in my life. I am so lucky to have the best family I could have ever asked for and some pretty amazing girlfriends, and I never want to take them for granted.
I really hope that you have a great start to your week today!
What did you do this weekend? Have you seen Lady Bird – what did you think?