Good morning! Even though I had a fairly relaxing weekend with not too much going on, I am still sitting at my desk at work this morning just totally exhausted and having a really hard time being here. How is it that a few days off to relax sometimes makes you even more tired than before when you were running around like crazy? I don’t understand, but oh well. Anyways, on to the weekend….
I think that I had the most frustrating day of my entire career at work on Friday. There is no task I hate more than having to set up a new piece of technology (for being a “millennial,” I am very technologically challenged), and that is exactly what I had to do for my boss. Long story short, I spent about eight hours on and off the phone with Apple and Microsoft trying to migrate my boss’s old computer with his new one. Needless to say, by the time I got home from work I was ready for a glass of wine.
So Chris and I curled up on the couch with a good bottle of Chardonnay from our trip to Traverse City last fall and watched an episode of Desperate Housewives before heading out to make our 6:00pm dinner reservation at a local Lebanese restaurant that we both love. Even better is that my parents gave Chris a gift card there for his birthday a few weeks ago, so we didn’t even have to pay for dinner!
Dinner was fantastic. We put our phones away, didn’t talk about the wedding one bit, and just enjoyed each other’s company while eating way too much food and having a few drinks. I loved every second of it. On the way home we stopped at our favorite place to get some frozen ice for dessert and then called it an early night while hanging out with the cats.
Saturday was my absolute favorite kind of day. I started out the morning with a hot yoga class that was exactly what I needed to clear my mind and make me feel a little lighter after our huge dinner the night before…. 😉 I also came out of class to these texts from Chris that just about made my whole day:
Once I got home from yoga, I did not leave the house the rest of the day. Amazing. Chris made us a delicious breakfast of protein pancakes with blueberries and strawberries, and then we spent the rest of the day cleaning the house, doing laundry, grocery shopping, meal prepping, and still having plenty of time to lay around and read/watch a few shows.
Then around dinner time my sister Jenna and her boyfriend came over to hang out with us for the night. Chris grilled us wings for dinner and I made a big salad to go along with them, we drank evening mimosas (??), and played Cards Against Humanity and Rummikub for hours outside. It was a perfect night.
Sunday was also a really great day! We actually slept in (!!!!!) and eventually made our way to the gym around 11am for some good morning workouts before an upcoming lazy day. After the gym, we headed right to my parents house to lay out in the sun in the pool for the afternoon with my family. The weather could not have been more perfect, and I definitely dozed off on a float in the pool a couple of times.
Once we finally made our way out of the pool, we got ready for dinner outside by the pool where we had a few other people join us. My mom made chicken tostadas and served them alongside a huge bowl of watermelon – two of my favorite foods ever. We have a lot of August birthdays in our family, so we kind of celebrated those last night with some cake and ice cream, too. And now I really need to step up my exercise game this week, because I’m feeling like an elephant!
It was a nice, easy day/night that ended with a very exciting episode of Game of Thrones. We literally rushed home to watch it from dinner. We are obsessed. Do you watch it?! If you don’t, I really think you must. I cannot say enough good things about that show.
I have a really busy week coming up ahead with celebrating my dad’s birthday, my annual work meeting/party, usual work tasks, and quite a few personal plans interspersed in there, too. I am trying really hard to have a good attitude about it all and enjoy all the moments that I can. I’ve found myself rushing through just about everything lately and really want to take the time to pause this week and appreciate what I have.
I recently ordered the book Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba off of Amazon and started reading it in bed this morning before work with a cup of ginger tea. As much as I wanted to sleep in until the last possible second, I knew my entire day would flow better if I started it out in a relaxing, rather than rushed, way. And it was a great choice. I only read the introduction of the book so far, but I can already tell it’s going to be really inspirational and helpful to me in this season of life where I feel really stuck in my current career. It’s obvious to me how that flows over into other aspects of my life (health, relationships, etc.), and I’m ready to stop allowing that. It’s not fair to me or to those around me.
So I’m hoping with this new perspective of slowing down, being grateful, and making time to drink tea and read in the mornings I will give my body the reset it needs.
I hope that you have a fantastic day and week ahead! See you tomorrow. 🙂
What did you do this weekend? Reading any good books right now?